Responsible Sourcing

We recognise that the extraction, handling, processing, transportation and trade of metals and minerals has the potential to generate income, growth and prosperity, sustain livelihoods and foster development; but also that these activities may contribute to, benefit from, or result in adverse environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts.

Our commitment to the responsible sourcing of metals and minerals requires us to avoid causing or contributing to adverse ESG impacts through our own activities and through the activities of our suppliers. It requires us to address such impacts when they occur; and to seek to prevent or mitigate such impacts, even if we have not directly caused or contributed to those impacts.

Qosina’s Responsible Sourcing Programme embeds a number of core corporate policies and principles, as well as the recommendations of the OECD’s Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains (“OECD Guidance”).

In support of implementing our Responsible Sourcing Programme, we are committed to:

  • Establish strong company management systems in support of responsible sourcing;
  • Identify and assess the risk of adverse ESG impacts in the supply chain;
  • Implement a strategy to respond to identified ESG risks;
  • Communicate with and train relevant Qosina employees, contractors and suppliers to ensure that they are aligned with our aspiration to maintain a responsible supply chain; and are aware of and responsive to ESG risks;
  • Carry out independent third-party audits of supply chain due diligence at identified points in the supply chain;
  • Report on supply chain due diligence through, for example, our annual Responsibility Report;  
  • Regularly review our practices and guidance to ensure that they remain responsive to our assessment of evolving supply chain risks.

Our approach to responsible sourcing is under constant review and refinement. Feel free to contact us here, should you have any ideas, questions or concerns that you feel are applicable.